Sunday, October 30, 2011

Call backs for Lead Actors

Theater Drama Comedy Pictures, Images and Photos

Tonight is Halloween. I understand that people were partying the night before yesterday and may have started whenever. I do.

However an audition on Saturday is potential work, actors who just didn't make it in are not on my radar. If they were out of town or there was an emergency, a real one - I respect it.

But not showing cause they were tired, because it's the holiday? Yikes.

Anyway, I have to say I really respect the people who showed up today (not letting the holiday, an early audition time, or the day-before-Halloween idea rule). Each is a fore runner for that alone.

But beyond that, each actor displayed a unique commitment in the role. One actor didn't use the sides at all, which for me gives him a little advantage. Fewer people than one would think embody this kind of work ethic. But I respect it as much as the talent. But, another who did look at the sheet had a great inner life. The emotion that surfaced from his choices had you feeling "for," him. *Always funny when that happens, cause you become you WROTE IT AGAIN. Lol.*

Both actresses who auditioned for the role of the transgender performer, were very, very, good. Each was on time and ready to roll! But they were so drastically different (and I loved both portrayals). So I have to see them with the potential male leads - for certain next time.

I can't wait.

~Tanyeno Wotorson
Director, Glo

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