Sunday, October 30, 2011

Call backs for Lead Actors

Theater Drama Comedy Pictures, Images and Photos

Tonight is Halloween. I understand that people were partying the night before yesterday and may have started whenever. I do.

However an audition on Saturday is potential work, actors who just didn't make it in are not on my radar. If they were out of town or there was an emergency, a real one - I respect it.

But not showing cause they were tired, because it's the holiday? Yikes.

Anyway, I have to say I really respect the people who showed up today (not letting the holiday, an early audition time, or the day-before-Halloween idea rule). Each is a fore runner for that alone.

But beyond that, each actor displayed a unique commitment in the role. One actor didn't use the sides at all, which for me gives him a little advantage. Fewer people than one would think embody this kind of work ethic. But I respect it as much as the talent. But, another who did look at the sheet had a great inner life. The emotion that surfaced from his choices had you feeling "for," him. *Always funny when that happens, cause you become you WROTE IT AGAIN. Lol.*

Both actresses who auditioned for the role of the transgender performer, were very, very, good. Each was on time and ready to roll! But they were so drastically different (and I loved both portrayals). So I have to see them with the potential male leads - for certain next time.

I can't wait.

~Tanyeno Wotorson
Director, Glo

Saturday, October 29, 2011


I just read this and loved it.

Be dangerous. Be subversive. Be unique. Confound and confront. Have an agenda. Have a mission and stick to it. Be ready for a fight. ~Johnny Hardstaff

~Tanyeno Wotorson, Glo Director

Friday, October 28, 2011

Frederic Renosi - New Poster Design

This is the poster for my new film, "Glo," which I am trying to raise funds for. It was done by Frederic Renosi, a designer across the seas in France. People might say, why use him? It's so far!! Well, because Frederic is very, very, talented and I have followed his designing since the days of Myspace where I met him. He is flawlessly hard-working, respectful and profoundly innovative.

And our working relationship never has a stressful moment, as he is careful to listen and craft along the lines of what I seek to express, while bringing his own sensibilities to the affair. He is also quick. The minute I comment, he is on it. Extraordinary integrity with a lack of ego and highly unique work? I study people who are this talented without the fanfare.

I find it really rare. But it gives space to the work.

His previous work for me:

Tanyeno Wotorson
Director - Glo

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Filmmaking Pictures, Images and Photos

When a writer commits an idea to paper beyond a stream of consciousness - there is passion and thought put into it. When they seek out others to support the vision through technical assistance there is courage there. When they seek out collaborators in generating revenue - to do the thing? That is a whole different skill set. A person has to be open to all types of feedback and be willing to navigate through it. It's not the easiest nor the quickest route, and you have to know when and when not to listen. But the lessons are almost as valuable as the successes (hopefully) in revenue one raises. I feel like I've come a long way, and I feel like there is a long way to go. Figuring out how you get someone to give instead of just giving a kudos is tough. I mean we want to get our film made, so there is no crumbling. But I'm seeing three dimensionally - stigma is another word for shame. People not only shame other people but they are afraid to be shamed.

So I am getting the secret kudos and words in hidden inboxes and texts, but barely a comment on the public postings.

Both gay and straight individuals, have shown themselves to be impossibly hands off - when it comes to a story that is representative of both.

The reactions proving what the intro video tackles - shaming and stigmatization is very, very, real.

On the other hand, I have the promise of donations from some brave few and a promise of help - that is nothing short of spectacular.

We will be posting those names as soon as they are received, as a warm "thank-you," and acknowledgement of their courage. They did the very thing I was trying to encourage with the work.

Blog post by: Tanyeno Wotorson - Glo Director